In November of 2021, We successfully raised $22,865 on Kickstarter. Which helped us pay for our actors, designers, artists, and everyone that made this show possible. Making this show was no easy task, but we are so grateful to the people who made it possible:
Shiny (5$)

Akhier Drgon Heart | Al | Alex | AleZaTar | Anthony Brewer | Brian Schumacher
Calvin Hodges | Christopher Yates | Cooper Moris| CorvusAtrox | Dylan Rich
Jared | LlamaComma | Lord Typhlosion | Matthew Charles| Matthew Harrison
Michael Okobi | Mirai Wonder Cafe | noletters | Philip Waldron | Robert Douglas
SaucyProcess | Sean Ray | Sebastian Michaels | Sergey Kochergan | Talon Stradley
Tanja Claridge | Tirenth | Toainsully | Trent2Luigi | velocireptile
Hatchling (15$)

Azarion | Adam Jeffries | Aidan Lee | Alexander Paul Landry | Andrew Taylor
Anthony Niforos | Azarion | Cameron Lee | Cesar Guillermo | Alcaraz Montelon
Christopher Allen Pitner | Christopher Suh | Damon Rathgeber | Darren Eshenour
David Granstrand | devilwuff | Don Wakefield | Gaz Grym | Geo Holms | Hanatoro | Hunter | Ian Stautz | Izzy Serenity S. | Joel Kreissman | John | John 2| Johnathan Solek | Kate Eckhart | Kevin Norris | Knightfall | Koby Wistner | kroner
KS_CakeNinja | Lewis Dexter | marko | Mirriky | Monstrumonium | Mr Guardira
Myrddin Starfari | Paul Greene-Dennis | Randy Fisher | Raymond Bland | Robert Oroc Rowan Trewhella | Ryan Sisk | Scott J. Dahlgen | Seth Carpenter | Simon Gray | Susan Frey | Tom Johnston | Tyler Worthey | Varro | Wayne |Zachary Leonard | Zenith
Scavenger (25$)
Aidan Moore | Alexander | Alexander Williams | Anders Olsen | Andrew Arnoldi
Benjamin Bragg | Binky.One | Charles Hamilton | Charles S. | Chris Koebel
CoolB | DamonDullahan | Dan Baxter | David | Edward Tear | Grouik | Jaedan Prior
Jason | John Garay | Jonathan Winstead | JuanHexgem | Kate Bowers Wallinga
Kelsey Best | KingNencha | Lucas Chang | Lumi | MakoRoo | Marc-André Laurence
Mark Phardrus | Matthew Adams | Matthew Glass | Michael John Maximo
Mitchell Avallone | Mr. Outlaw | Natalie Louis | Nick Looker | Nyle Keeling
Packhowl Media | Patrick ‘Kuntos’ Sapp | Rolls | Ross | SelenaWolf
SpeciesSaladMallory | TheStratovarian| Timothy Dahlquist | Tyler Clapp | Wolfsquare

Fighter (35$)
Acerneos | Anton Masloski | Benjamin Andrew Sankey | Darien Brice Dickinson
Dee Cee | Donte | Draugmyrn | Edward Hyena | Guardian D. | Inktail | John Fleig Kimberly Badal | Koviell Sashermasock | Kurt LaFlair | Michael | Michelle Goff
Patrik Karlström | Paul Ssekanjako | Prometheus087 | Raz | Regitus | Travis Nosal Troy Neenan | Tyler Fallis | Yunhe Yang

Trapper (50$)
Alex DeKeyser | Alexander Boothby | Anthony | Basaran | Bruce Gale
Connor Park | Daniel Hodge | Eafosi | Eldritch Velvet | Eric Decker
Ethen Butt | GalaxyGamer0214 | Garrun | Jake Benson | Jhemilia Pasmore
Jose Laboy | jproisy | Lois Phillips | MarkMiller | Martin Hamerlik
Mello Cream | Nicholas Capen | Nick S. | NovaDaInkwolf | Patrick Holland
Reaper | Ryan Gaiser | SinCity Minion | Snowfallen Kobold | Snuggo
Soler Nicolas | TheForest | Thomas Phillips | Wiley | Yami | Ziggy Moo

Elder (100$)
Alexander Pabst | Alpha Phoenix | Delilah Teriithahi | Dragon Multimedia LLC
Drewgon | Kayla Starborn | KC Wayland | MaskedAlucard | Matt Lubetich
Raetheprotogen | Stephen Sennert | Trevor Johns | Tyler Constantine Burke
Visia Morrigan | Weichund | ZacStretenovic

Parent (200$)
ArcKing | AsiboDreamrose | Butteredupdragon | Christian Nico Paman | CzarSalad
Dontae Majors | Enie Vecchione | HearcomesTrebble | Jaden Warner | Johnny
James Abram Linthicum | Kobalt Silverstar | Lager Goaty | Liam | Logan Pankratz
Michael Phillips | Mine Code | NezMog | Nick | Perry Buck | Quinn Bird
Rikuredo | Sam White | Sharpster | Simon | Sublime | TiranMaster | Wilgeon Silverclaw |Zell M.

Hero (800$)

Dragon (1000$)
John Klettke James Lawrence Indigo Clardmond